ANSI / NSF 61 (NSF-61) is a set of American standards that relates to water treatment and establishes stringent requirements for the control of rubber seals and gaskets that comes in contact with either drinking water or products that support the production of drinking water. It is important that all components in contact with drinking water meet the correct standards to ensure dangerous toxins are not leached. The tests are at continuous 60°C water test in different pH levels, to the more challenging chemical certification. In all cases our rubber part is tested before and after exposure to a given fluid to determine whether anything has been leached out or extracted from the part. NSF-61 was developed by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF), a global independent public health and environmental organization, and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), which oversees the consensus for developing standards for manufacturing and procedures in the United States. This standard certification is mandatory for supplying parts to USA and Canada in drinking water applications.